in an empty directory: to create mvc app run this in terminal: dotnet new mvc -o [your_project_name] in terminal, type command: cd [project_name] in terminal, run each of these commands on their own: run this: dotnet add package MySQL run this: dotnet add package MySQL.Data run this: dotnet add package MySQL.Data.MySqlClient // might not be necessary add to .csproj file, after </PropertyGroup>, before </Project>: <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include ="MySqlConnector" Version ="0.61.0"/> </ItemGroup> to run the project in terminal: dotnet run .\Program.cs ctrl + click on link: http://localhost:[your localhost refnumber] Go back to VS Code stop the program from running in terminal by pressing CTRL + C Adding a page: 1) Go to controller: /Controllers/HomeController.cs add: public IActionResult Register() { return View(); } after last public entry ie: public IActionResult Privacy(){return view();}: *first one should be on line 25 2) Go to location: /Views/Home/ right click on Home, select: new file enter name: Register.cshtml 3) Open file at location: /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml add this between asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index" and asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Privacy" in navbar list: *might have to scroll to the right <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Register">Login</a> </li> run project again by running command in terminal: dotnet run ./Program.cs 4) /wwwroot/css/ add .css file: TBC To stop the program in terminal from running: press CTRL + C Create a model: go to location /Models right click on Models, new file, name file: UserModel.cs DB CONNECTION: add using: using MySql.Data; using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; create connection string in Class: add register(UserModel obj) ... write pseudo code for: speed in meters/second speed in km/h speed in miles/h input distance in meters input hour: 5 input minutes: 56 input seconds: 23 1 mile = 1609 meters Main: accept input: distance_meters accept input: hour accept input: minutes accept input: seconds distance_meters = 2500; hour = 5; minutes = 56; seconds = 23; convert hour to seconds hour * 60 * 60 = hr_second; 5*60*60 = 18000; convert minutes to seconds minutes * 60 = min_sec; 56*60 = 3360; // use seconds as is add all seconds together hr_second + min_sec + seconds = total_seconds; 18000 + 3360 + 23 = 21383; convert all seconds to hours total_seconds / 60 / 60 = hours; 21383 / 60 / 60 = ; convert meters to miles: distance_meters * 1609 = miles; calculate meter_per_second meter/seconds; 2500/21383 = 0.1169;
Final ecommerce website submitted for ifundi Systems Development course