
RPA Suite C# Library is an Open Source https://github.com/Rigel-Technologies/RPA-Suite-Csharp-Library.git

The RPA Suite for C# library will help you develop RPA processes with no limits to their complexity. You will be able to robotize any business process lacking in creativity, and perhaps also processes with creativity. You can download RPA Suite from www.rigeltechnologies.net

In these videos you can see:

1.- Creating RPA process from Visual Studio http://licenses.rigeltechnologies.net/furlough/video.php?vd=30&ln=2

2.- How to structure an RPA Suite project using this C# library? http://licenses.rigeltechnologies.net/furlough/video.php?vd=31&ln=2

Computer studies teach that developments must be Robust, Reliable, Reusable, Legible and Maintainable. Use only high-level modern languages. Don't forget that C# were invented to be Robust, Reliable, Reusable, Legible and Maintainable.

You can also collaborate with the community and extend this RPA library for C# with your new ideas, with new connectors, classes, examples...

To collaborate just write a new issues message with subject "join collaborator team"