
semwasp - Semantic Web App Skeleton Prospect generated with gulp and supports semantic-ui from the start.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

semwasp - Semantic Web App Skeleton Prospect Build Status

Skeleton generated with gulp and supports semantic-ui from the start (consider it as work in progress). Makes use of following:

Work in Progress:

  • Better Examples
  • Localisation
  • Tests with Karma

To DO:

  • Provide setup wizard and themes options

Author: www.blankdots.com


How to get started
git clone git@github.com:blankdots/semwasp.git
npm install
gulp build

npm install will run bower install automatically with all necessary dependencies

The files build will be available in .\dist folder.

How to to develop
git clone git@github.com:blankdots/semwasp.git
npm install
gulp dev

The browser will start a server at the address http://localhost:3000 and the bower-sync at http://localhost:9001 - both of these can be configured in the gulpfile.js file.

In order to clean build and start fresh use gulp clean

How to to add dependencies
bower install d3 --save

In index.jade under the following lines the dependencies are/can be added like this:

	// build:js js/vendor.js
	// bower:js
	// endbower
	// build:js js/plugins.js
	// endbuild
	// build:js js/main.js
	script(type='text/javascript', src='js/main.js')
	// endbuild

The bower dependencies are added in the vendor.js on the build and for additional plugins unavailable via bower the plugins and other JavaScript code can be added under:

	// build:js js/plugins.js
	cript(type='text/javascript', src='include/add_plugin.js')
	// endbuild
	// build:js js/main.js
	script(type='text/javascript', src='js/app.js')
	script(type='text/javascript', src='js/main.js')
	// endbuild

Depending where the dependencies are added these will be compiled under one file such as plugins.js or main.js .