- 1
Create new release
#109 opened by sasha-borodin - 0
support new API in iOS 13
#106 opened by HePingLaoSan - 1
Writing chunked data without response not working
#105 opened by horseshoe7 - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
Allow methods to be called with a timeout parameter instead of using global timeout
#102 opened by joshbrown-eg - 2
Crash in -[RZBPeripheral clearNotifyBlocks]
#96 opened by joshuatbrown - 4
- 1
- 7
RZBConnectCommand executeCommandWithContext:error: crashes with assert that peripheral != nil
#76 opened by tahirmt - 7
Connection Event shouldn't be called when cancelling connection from within the app
#67 opened by julianvogels - 6
RZBEnableMock() doesn't work in Swift
#80 opened by cpatterson-lilly - 6
Build warnings using CocoaPods
#88 opened by drdaz - 6
- 1
API MISUSE: <private> has no restore identifier but the delegate implements the centralManager:willRestoreState: method. Restoring will not be supported
#35 opened by drdaz - 1
- 16
Regression calling stopScan in RZBSimulatedTestCase context between 1.0.2 and 1.2.2
#86 opened by drdaz - 1
Support for simulated peripherals
#93 opened by jkaufman - 13
Unable to integrate into iOS unit test target
#41 opened by hhanesand - 1
- 3
Add better swift support by using class properties, nullable, nonnull and NSDicationary and NSArray with types
#73 opened by tahirmt - 1
Carthage Support
#79 opened by ArifADS - 2
- 7
When you call rzb_fetchDeviceInformationKeys it does not actually read the first time
#71 opened by tahirmt - 6
- 0
RZBCentralManager state is always unknown
#70 opened by tahirmt - 4
- 9
- 3
RZBPeripheral and RZBSimulatedDevice cannot handle same characteristic UUID on multiple services
#64 opened by cpatterson-lilly - 5
sorry about question
#63 opened by vicktor - 5
- 2
RZBEnableMock not working from Swift Code
#61 opened by chintan1891 - 1
issue with heartrate example
#57 opened by mph070770 - 1
- 5
WARNING: The delegate for CBPeripheral does not implement -[peripheral:didModifyServices:]
#47 opened by cpatterson-lilly - 4
If a peripheral disconnects while the scan that found it is running, the scan will fail
#45 opened by fabiorodella - 5
Convert to CBManagerState for iOS 10.
#34 opened by cpatterson - 10
Unable to connect to peripheral if maintainConnection = TRUE and Bluetooth is power cycled
#36 opened by MrGoPoint - 3
- 4
CocoaPods issue: RZBTestDefines.h file not found when using "RZBluetooth/Test" pod
#40 opened by cpatterson-lilly - 1
Crash in RZBPeripheral -clearNotifyBlockForCharacteristicUUID:serviceUUID:completion:
#32 opened by cpatterson - 2
OSX Support
#19 opened by dostrander - 2
((self.centralManager.dispatch.commands.count == 0) is true) failed - Expected 0 commands, saw 1
#30 opened by drdaz - 13
Simulating a scan and a connection
#29 opened by drdaz - 5
- 1
- 1
Type support for arrays/dictionary for Swift
#20 opened by dostrander - 1
Restore CentralManager identifier support
#21 opened by KingOfBrian - 0
Add iOS Simulator support via Mac helper app
#16 opened by KingOfBrian