
This is the library for setting up a DicomNode

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


DicomNode is a framework for building post-processing pipeline of medical images. It specializes in converted dicom images into formats usable formats (e.g. Nifti, Minc) and back to dicom.


The Library require:

  • g++
  • cmake
  • pybind11
  • Python developer tools

Using apt:

sudo apt install g++ cmake python3-pybind11 python3-dev

To install this library

pip install git+https://github.com/Rigshospitalet-KFNM/DicomNode.git


The generated reports use Latex to compile pdf reports. This is done using defaults for pylatex which rely on installed latex compilers.

To install compilers

Using apt:

sudo apt install texlive

If you are using custom fonts:

sudo apt install texlive-xetex

Toolkit Usage

The omnitool is an extendable toolkit for some common functionality.

  • anonymize - Anonymizes a dicom file or directory
  • show - Displaying a Dicom file
  • store - Sends DIMSE C-Store to target dicom-node

To use the toolkit use:

omnitool $tool $tool_arguments


Docs are deployed at: Read the docs


To run tests you need to install the extra packages for testing with:

pip install git+https://github.com/Rigshospitalet-KFNM/DicomNode.git[test]

Then run the tests with:

coverage run runtests.py && coverage report --show-missing