DigitalPaani Weather App is a web application that allows users to search for weather information of any city, state, or country and get the current temperature in Celsius, along with other details such as visibility, humidity, wind speed, and air pressure. The app utilizes geocoding to fetch real-time location data and provides an interactive background that changes based on the weather description. Additionally, special effects are applied when the temperature exceeds 40°C or drops below 0°C.
To install and run the DigitalPaani Weather App locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the
cd DigitalPaaniAssingment/weather
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run start
Once the development server is running, you can access the Weather App in your web browser.
Enter the name of a city, state, or country in the search bar to get the current weather information.
The app will display the temperature in Celsius, visibility, humidity, wind speed, and air pressure.
The background of the app will change dynamically based on the weather description.
Special effects will be applied when the temperature exceeds 40°C or drops below 0°C.
Contributions to the Weather App are welcome! If you have any bug fixes, enhancements, or new features to propose, please submit a pull request. Be sure to follow the contribution guidelines and coding standards defined in the repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For any inquiries or support regarding the Weather App, please contact:
- Email:
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback about the app. Thank you DigitalPaani for this assignment of Weather App!