
Submission for the Course Project for the Getting and Cleaning Data course (getdata-007) on Coursera.

Primary LanguageR


This repo contains the submission for the Course Project for the Getting and Cleaning Data course (getdata-007) on Coursera. The purpose of the Course Project is "to demonstrate your ability to collect, work with, and clean a data set. The goal is to prepare tidy data that can be used for later analysis."

Original Dataset

The original dataset is the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set. It contains the results of experiments with 30 volunteers who performed 6 activities while wearing a smartphone on their waist. The smartphone collected 3-axial linear acceleration and 3-axial angular velocity data, which was used to calculate a vector of features. For full details on the original dataset, we refer to the above link.


  • The script run_analysis.R contains all the steps necessary to download and import the raw data, and to transform it into a tidy dataset. The script requires the util and plyr R packages to be installed.
  • The Markdown file CodeBook.md contains the Code Book: a document explaining the variables, the data and the transformations that are performed to clean up the data.
  • The file UCI_HAR_tidy.txt contains the tidy dataset, which can be regenerated by running run_analysis.R.