Mapa do IDHM de Minas Gerais
uf <- read_state(showProgress = FALSE)
mun <- read_municipality(showProgress = FALSE)
idhm <- read_xlsx("data/Atlas 2013_municipal, estadual e Brasil.xlsx", sheet = 2) %>%
filter(ANO == 2010, UF == 31) %>%
select(code_muni = Codmun7, IDHM)
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## code_muni IDHM
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 3100104 0.689
## 2 3100203 0.698
## 3 3100302 0.654
## 4 3100401 0.63
## 5 3100500 0.61
## 6 3100609 0.576
base <- inner_join(mun, idhm, "code_muni")
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 5 fields
## geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## dimension: XY
## bbox: xmin: -47.67975 ymin: -20.45584 xmax: -42.04516 ymax: -17.7664
## geographic CRS: SIRGAS 2000
## code_muni name_muni code_state abbrev_state IDHM
## 1 3100104 Abadia Dos Dourados 31 MG 0.689
## 2 3100203 Abaeté 31 MG 0.698
## 3 3100302 Abre Campo 31 MG 0.654
## 4 3100401 Acaiaca 31 MG 0.630
## 5 3100500 Açucena 31 MG 0.610
## 6 3100609 Água Boa 31 MG 0.576
## geom
## 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-47.48345 -...
## 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-45.24166 -...
## 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-42.49664 -...
## 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-43.12231 -...
## 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-42.38168 -...
## 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-42.41357 -...
main_map <- base %>%
mutate(IDHM = cut(IDHM, quantile(IDHM, probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf(aes(fill = IDHM), size = .5) +
scale_fill_brewer("IDH-M", palette = "OrRd") +
annotation_north_arrow(style = north_arrow_fancy_orienteering()) +
annotation_scale(pad_x = unit(140, "mm")) +
labs(caption = "Fonte: IPEA. 2010\nOrg.: ALVES, R. F. 2021")
context_map <- uf %>%
mutate(estados = ifelse(code_state == "31", "Minas Gerais", "Demais estados")) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf(aes(fill = estados)) +
scale_fill_manual("Estados", values = c("white", "firebrick3"))
layout <- c(
area(1, 2, 1, 59),
area(2, 1, 41, 1),
area(2, 60, 41, 60),
area(42, 2, 42, 59),
area(3, 3, 40, 43),
area(3, 45, 23, 58),
area(26, 45, 40, 58)
patch <- plot_spacer() + plot_spacer() + plot_spacer() + plot_spacer() +
main_map + guide_area() + context_map +
plot_layout(guides = "collect", design = layout) &
theme_void() +
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#efefee", size = 0),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#efefee", size = 0)
ggsave("plots/plot.png", patch, device = "png", width = 297, height = 210, units = "mm")
ggsave("plots/plot.pdf", patch, device = "pdf", width = 297, height = 210, units = "mm")