Fine-tuning LMs on the translations of the COPA data sets

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains experiments in the MaCoCu project for fine-tuning LMs on the COPA data set (choosing plausible alternatives).

Each example contains a premise and two possible follow-up sentences. The model has to choose the ones which is the most plausible.

We had the original English data set human-translated to Macedonian. For Bulgarian, Icelandic, Maltese and Turkish we used Google Translate. The data sets are available in the data/ folder. For Turkish, we also added the XCOPA human-translated (HT) dev and test sets for convenience.

Our results are available on HuggingFace for Bulgarian, Icelandic, Macedonian, Maltese and Turkish.

Setting up

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/RikVN/COPA

Setup a Conda environment:

conda create -n copa python=3.8
conda activate copa

Install transformers from source to avoid errors:

git clone https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
cd transformers
pip install -e .
cd ../

Install our own requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The data is available in the data/ folder. We will first convert it to a JSON, so src/run_copa.py is able to work with it.

The script has multiple options to put the data in different formats by adding -d:

  • -d all : just keep all available data
  • -d token : add a token that indicates whether the example is "cause" or "effect"
  • -d cause : only keep the "cause" data
  • -d effect: only keep the "effect" data

When using -d token, you have to specify the iso language code (en, bg, is, mk, mt, tr) with -l.

For example, if you only want to add a token to the Bulgarian test set, run this:

python src/copa_to_json.py -i data/bg.copa.test -o data/bg.copa.test.token.json -d token -l bg

However, in our experiments, it was preferable to just keep all the data. Simply run this to apply this to all data sets:



Each experiments takes in a configuration file as only argument. You need to specify the data sets and LM in this file. For example, the Turkish MaCoCu model config is specified in config/tr_xlmr_macocu.json. We have added the config files for all our experiments.

Running an experiment is as simple as:

python src/run_copa.py config/tr_xlmr_macocu.json

We use the AutoModelForMultipleChoice to do the classification. This should work out of the box for most models.

By default, this will average over 10 runs, since the data set is so small. You can edit this in the run_copa.py script. Average accuracies and standard deviations are printed after training.

Since training is fast, we never save any of the trained models for storage reasons. You can easily change this is in the config settings, though.

Our results are available on HuggingFace for Bulgarian, Icelandic, Macedonian, Maltese and Turkish.