Mela Task

Created a node server that receives an image, and then convert it into PNG format then resize in 100x100 and 200x200 size. And then add a mela logo as a watermark, upload the images to GCP Bucket and return the URLs as a response.


First, generate the service key from GCP to access GCP Bucket. And the paste its contents in cloud/keys.json.

Then create the .env file see .envExample for help.

Then execute following command to start the server,

npm i && npm run dev


The GET / serve index.html if you want to use UI to add an image and see the response.

The POST /uploads is the main endpoint which processes the image and responds with uploaded URLs.

Some notes:

  • Attach image with image key.
  • Maximum upload limit is 15MB.
  • Supported file type are png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, and tiff.

UI Demo

(Error will be logged in console.)