
Theme your Rofi CSS using GTK (Fork with GTK 4.0/adw-gtk3 support)

Primary LanguageShell


Theme your Rofi CSS using GTK.
GTK 4.0/adw-gtk3 style context colors is supported!


Execute this into your terminal. This will create a backup of your Rofi installation so take precautions.

mv $HOME/.config/rofi $HOME/.config/rofi.bak
git clone https://github.com/Rikiub/gtk-rofi $HOME/.config/rofi
cd $HOME/.config/rofi
chmod +x ./scripts/gtk-launcher.sh


Go to "scripts" folder and execute "gtk-launcher.sh".

If you are using the adw-gtk3 execute "drun.sh" for a fast launch. "emoji.sh" is optional and you need rofi-emoji installed for use.

./gtk-launcher.sh (Rofi arguments) (Your theme without .rasi extension)


./gtk-launcher.sh -show drun gtk-runner

Reset command (fork):

Use this for recreate templates manually

./gtk-launcher.sh reset


The script uses the templates folder to use the theme as a template, then it replaces {@CONTEXT} valid tags and turn it onto a proper GTK style context color, then it outputs it into the themes folder.

List of style context colors

Heres some themes that works


Default Theme

Per default runner.rasi uses GTK 4.0 style context colors.

If you aren't using adw-gtk3 don't use it and adapt it to your liking (Adapt it to GTK 3.0)

adw-gtk3 Theme Customization

If you are using a normal GTK 3.0 theme it's done, use a theme/template that uses GTK 3.0 style and it will work normally.

But if you are using adw-gtk3 you can customize theme colors with Gradience.