CSSS Website
What it needs
- New exec list, with photos
- Pages: About (General/Exec/Photos/Docs/Contact), Events (Upcoming/Froshweek/Workshops), Projects (Hack Time/Dev Tools/Team Names/CSSS Github), Comp Sci Guide (Course Map/Software/Co-op)
- New URL!
- Contact info repeated on the bottom of both pages
What we can use
- Python + Django
- Bootstrap
- MySQL (SQLite?)
Handy Django Commands
- Create a new app:
python manage.py startapp <appname>
- Tell Django about model changes:
python manage.py makemigrations <appname>
- Check migration SQL:
python manage.py sqlmigrate <appname> <migration number>
- Check for project errors:
python manage.py check
- Apply migrations:
python manage.py migrate
- Open django shell:
python manage.py shell
- Run app tests:
python manage.py test <appname>
- Populate database:
python manage.py populate
- Logo top-left
- Navbar of categories to the right of that
- Home page contains announcements and carousel with images
- Topbar follows user down the page (but shrinks)
- Footer contains: copyright, icons, csss@sfu.ca email
- Coloured side bars?
- Announcement format: Title, "By on ", content
- Use Frosh theme colours every year (for side bars?)
- Side bars: shadows on the edges for depth