
Primary LanguageC++

IRC chat for Hexchat client

It also works with netcat (nc command)


  • Set up a TCP server socket to listen for incoming connections from clients.

  • Parse incoming messages from clients according to the IRC protocol. The IRC protocol is documented in RFC 1459 and its subsequent revisions, RFC 2810-2813.

  • Implement the necessary IRC server commands, such as JOIN, PART, and PRIVMSG.

  • Store information about connected clients, such as their nicknames and which channels they are in.

  • Broadcast messages to clients in the same channel or send private messages to specific clients.

  • Handle error cases, such as when a client sends an invalid message or disconnects unexpectedly.

Implementation Basics

  1. Create a socket using the socket() function. This function returns a socket descriptor that you can use to identify the socket in later function calls.

  2. Set the socket to non-blocking mode using the fcntl() function. This function sets or gets file descriptor flags and can be used to set the non-blocking flag for the socket.

  3. Bind the socket to a specific address and port using the bind() function.

  4. Listen for incoming connections on the socket using the listen() function.

  5. Accept incoming connections on the socket using the accept() function. This function returns a new socket descriptor that can be used to communicate with the client. Since the socket is in non-blocking mode, accept() may return immediately with an error code of EWOULDBLOCK if there are no pending connections.

  6. To handle multiple incoming connections, you can use the select() function to wait for activity on multiple sockets simultaneously. The select() function allows you to specify a set of sockets to monitor for read, write, or error events. When an event occurs on one of the sockets, select() returns with information about the socket that caused the event.

Irc Commands

  • JOIN
  • KICK
  • MODE
  • NICK
  • USER
  • PASS
  • QUIT

WeeChat specific commands (not tested the final version with weechat)

  • To create a server -> /server add <server_name> -password=3333 (needs to be specified in the case of the project)

  • To connect to the server -> /connect <server_name>

  • PRIVMSG -> /query | The message will be displayed in a separate tab

  • to access said tab -> /buffer

  • NOTICE -> /notice

  • JOIN -> /join #<channel_name>