Recreate a minimalistic shell

(Deprecated version but still usable)

*Project made for MACOS

Current big bugs (fixed on validated version):

  • if launched without environnement executed child process will segfault
  • if the path is deleted builtin commands are not usable
  • bad handling of the '-n' flag for echo command

I WON'T FIX ANY BUGS. This version may be multiple commits behind the validated project. The code is bad and old, i'd rather remake a new shell from the beginning.


  • while true; do leaks minishell; sleep 1.6; clear; done (test leaks during exec)
  • env -i ./minishell (check minishell with no env)
  • cat /dev/urandom ./minishell
  • < /dev/urandom ./minishell
  • lsof -p (fd leaks)