Program to unpack and repack '*.pac' files used in Mangagamer releases.
Usage: mgpack.exe enc|dec comp|unc [output file or folder] [-v1]
Known gamekeys: d2b VS Deardrops -Cross the Future- 229,99,174,4,45,166,127,158,69 Really? Really! 250,49,151,173,1,93,121,238,101 Cartagra, Free Friends, Kara no Shojo 2 (Trial) 229,101,186,26,61,198,127,158,70,21,137 Kara no Shojo 2 162,101,186,26,45,198,127,147,70,21,132
Example: mgpack.exe 162,101,186,26,45,198,127,147,70,21,132 enc comp "D:\Games\KnS2\GameData\script.pac"
"Really? Really!" v1.02b hash check fix: in Assembly-CSharp.dll at offset 0x5C736 replace $17 to $2A.