
A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp & more.


Awesome Hyperapp Awesome

A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp & more.


Apps and Boilerplates

  • deployable - A ready-to-deploy static web app template built with Hyperapp.
  • happy - Happiness index calculator for teams, built with Hyperapp.
  • hyperapp-boilerplate - Boilerplate showing how to create a production-ready Hyperapp application.
  • hyperapp-electron - A minimal Electron app starter with Hyperapp, LiveReload and Redux DevTools.
  • hyperapp-flow-skeleton - A simple skeleton for getting started with Hyperapp, webpack, and flowtype.
  • hyperapp-game-of-life - An implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Hyperapp.
  • hyperapp-one - Simple Hyperapp webpack boilerplate counter app with Airbnb ESlint and JSX.
  • hyperapp-pwa - A minimalist, progressive web app compliant template for Hyperapp projects.
  • hyperapp-RxJS - Hyperapp with RxJS & service worker.
  • hyperapp-todo - Simple CRUD todo-app with Hyperapp.
  • hyperapp-wiki - Example of how Hyperapp could be used to serve its own wiki with gh-pages.
  • hypernews - Hacker News clone with Hyperapp.

Libraries and Mixins

Official Resources and Community

  • Documentation - Official Hyperapp documentation.
  • Reddit - Official Hyperapp Subreddit.
  • Slack - Official Hyperapp community on Slack.
  • Twitter - Official Hyperapp Twitter account.
  • CodePen - Official Hyperapp Codepen account.

Other Resources


To contribute, fork this repository, add your amazing entry and send us a PR. See CONTRIBUTING for more information.