Catch Error

Summary of responses and how to handle them:

Case 1: The server can handle the request

The response will come back with a boolean key ok. If the response has a successful status, ex: 200, then it will be true, else it will be false. A payload is located in the responses body. For JSON data, it can be consumed using JSON.stringify() or await response.json().

Case 2: The server can't handle the request

The response will have a boolean ok key, but the body might not contain the expect data, which will cause an error that will be caught in the catch clause.

Cases 3: The request fail.

Maybe because you are offline or becauses the server is unreachable, sometimes the request will fail because of the front. In that case, no response is returned and an error is immediately caught in the catch clause.


You need to install NodeJS:

You also need Caddy installed:



Run npm run dev:server to start the Node server on port 5000.

Run npm run dev:caddy to start the server that will serve the front on port 8080 and proxy the Node server on localhost:8080/api. The proxying helps prevent CORS issues.


Run npm start to start the production setup.