Full Software Engineer with a BSc (Hons)Software Engineering and Full Stack developer student @microverseinc . Available to work as a Full Stack Engineer.
@cixhub CapeTown
Pinned Repositories
Awesome books is a simple website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list.
BlogApp is a web application that allows users to create, update, and interact with blog posts. It is built using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL as the database, and it includes comprehensive unit and integration tests implemented in RSpec and Capybara.
A Work In Progress github portfolio project built with react+vite, meticulously crafted to display public repositories from my github account utilizing the github Api.
JetLogix’s backend is a robust Rails application utilizing PostgreSQL database, managing private jet reservations.
A simple nextjs full stack support application that enables users to signin and create and view cases and case status
Portfolio project with a selection of my projects, each showcasing my expertise and dedication to creating innovative and user-friendly web applications. Explore my portfolio to get a glimpse of my journey as a Full Stack developer and discover the exciting projects I've had the privilege to work on.
SciMovies is a Full Stack dynamic single page application dedicated to showcasing a vast collection of scifi tv shows and movies. The website consumes its data from TvMaze API and Posts the user interaction likes on each tv show to the involvement API
React-based web application designed to simulate a user journey through a basic application process.
RileyManda's Repositories
BlogApp is a web application that allows users to create, update, and interact with blog posts. It is built using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL as the database, and it includes comprehensive unit and integration tests implemented in RSpec and Capybara.
A Work In Progress github portfolio project built with react+vite, meticulously crafted to display public repositories from my github account utilizing the github Api.
Bookstore is a full stack CMS application for creating, updating and deleting books as well as checking your reading progress that uses axios with createAsyncThunk to make HTTP requests to an API,The application utilizes reduxt-toolkit for state-management.
A simple nextjs full stack support application that enables users to signin and create and view cases and case status
A simple ruby school library application that utilizes classes and relationships between the classes to manage students and library book rentals.
SciMovies is a Full Stack dynamic single page application dedicated to showcasing a vast collection of scifi tv shows and movies. The website consumes its data from TvMaze API and Posts the user interaction likes on each tv show to the involvement API
Vet clinic database schema and queries
Air-quality is a React full stack web-app that displays numeric air-quality data from various weather stations.
A minimalistic web application that utilizes the leaderboard API to generate scores,read and add game scores.
Math magicians is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to:Make simple calculations and Read random quotes.
Morse Code is a simple application with methods for decoding strings of morse code into english and vice versa. It is built with Ruby.
A simple react application that uses redux toolkit and thunk to Connect to an existing API via Redux and use the data to display something on a UI.
A console app developed to keep a record of different types of things you own: books, music albums, and games. All the implementations are based on UML class diagram and the data is be stored in JSON files.
Ruby-enum is a Ruby project that demonstrates a custom implementation of certain methods from the Enumerable module.
Ruby-tdd is A simple ruby application that demonstrates test driven development in ruby using RSpect
Space travelers hub is a full-stack web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services, utilizing the SpaceX API. The application enables users to book rockets and join selected space missions. All reserved missions and rockets are updated on the User's profile with redux-toolkits' powerful state management
To Do application built with react
CoinCraft is a powerful and user-friendly Rails budgeting application designed to help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. With CoinCraft, you can craft your financial future with ease, precision, and confidence.
JetLogix’s backend is a robust Rails application utilizing PostgreSQL database, managing private jet reservations.
JetLogix's front end is a React application that fetches and displays aeroplanes and reservation information from the JetLogix back-end via API endpoints, ensuring a seamless user interface for private jet reservations.
Portfolio project with a selection of my projects, each showcasing my expertise and dedication to creating innovative and user-friendly web applications. Explore my portfolio to get a glimpse of my journey as a Full Stack developer and discover the exciting projects I've had the privilege to work on.
Recipe-App is a web application that allows users to add, update, and delete food items, Create recipes and shopping lists. It is built using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL as the database, and it includes comprehensive unit and integration tests implemented with RSpec and Capybara
React-based web application designed to simulate a user journey through a basic application process.
A vite starter template repo to speed up the process of creating a new react-vite application with linter checks.
A django API that enables users to login and create accounts utilizing React as the front-end
This project is a real-time multiplayer game built using Express, and Socket.IO. It allows multiple players to join a game session and play simultaneously in a shared virtual environment.