Hair Salon

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • Razor View Engine
  • EntityCore
  • VSCode


This is an MVC web application built with C# to help a hair salon manage employees (stylists) and their clients. Users are able to add a list of stylists working at the salon, and for each stylist, add clients who see that stylist. Select a stylist, see their details, and see a list of all clients that belong to that stylist. Users are not able to add a client if no stylists have been added.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Step 1

Clone the repository:

$ git clone 

Step 2

First we'll install .NET, which provides access to the C# language. Follow along with instructions for your operating system provided in the following link:

Step 3

Now .NET and C# should be installed and your computer should recognize the dotnet command. Navigate to the HairSalon.Solution directory in your computer terminal and then to the HairSalon folder.

Step 4

Create a appsettings.json file in the HairSalon directory and add the following code, replacing words in brackets accordingly.

  "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=riley_shimp;uid=[USERNAME];pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE];"

Step 5

Open MySQLWorkbench and log into your server (For instructions on downloading MySQLWorkbench visit

In the Administration tab, select "Data Import/Restore" and then "Import from self-contained file" Import the file named riley_shimp.sql located in your HairSalon.Solution directory. In "Default Schema to be Imported to" select new, name the schema riley_shimp and select "Start Import".

Step 6

In your terminal, navigate to the HairSalon folder and run the command dotnet run

Known Bugs

  • none



Copyright (c) 02/25/2022 Riley Shimp