
a robust library of vectors for lua based on the vectors c++ library by reeko

Primary LanguageLua

Vector Library for Lua

This Lua library provides a simple and efficient way to work with 2D and 3D vectors. It includes basic vector operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more advanced functions such as normalization, dot product calculation, and distance measurement.


To use this library, simply download vectorLib.lua and include it in your Lua project.

local vectorLib = require("vectorLib")


Creating Vectors

You can create 2D and 3D vectors using vec2_t.new(x, y) and vec3_t.new(x, y, z) respectively.

local vec2 = vectorLib.vec2_t.new(1, 2)
local vec3 = vectorLib.vec3_t.new(1, 2, 3)

Basic Operations


local result = vec2:add(vectorLib.vec2_t.new(3, 4))
-- result is now a vector with coordinates (4, 6)


local result = vec3:subtract(vectorLib.vec3_t.new(1, 1, 1))
-- result is now a vector with coordinates (0, 1, 2)

Advanced Operations


local normalizedVec = vec3:normalize()
-- normalizedVec is now the normalized form of vec3

Dot Product

local dotProd = vec2:dotProduct(vectorLib.vec2_t.new(3, 4))
-- dotProd is the dot product of vec2 and (3, 4)

Distance Calculation

local distance = vec2:getDistance(vectorLib.vec2_t.new(3, 4))
-- distance is the distance between vec2 and (3, 4)


  • Contributions to this library are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests.
