Project: uuidv7-vs-uuidv4-sql


Welcome to the uuidv7-vs-uuidv4-sql project! This experiment aims to benchmark the insertion time of millions of records into MySQL using two different UUID versions: UUIDv7 and UUIDv4. The project leverages both Node.js and Go programming languages for the experiment.

More info can be found @

System Requirements

  • Node Version: 18 or later
  • Go Version: 1.21.5 or later
  • Docker: Installed and running
  • Docker Compose: Installed and available

Getting Started

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd uuidv7-vs-uuidv4-sql

Step 2: Node.js Setup and Run

cd nodejs-single-thread-experiment
npm install
node experiment.js

Step 3: Node.js Run

node experiment.js

Step 4: Go Setup

cd go-multithread-experiment
go mod download
go build main.go && ./main --if

Step 5: Go Run
