
Wechat applet for language learners

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Interface Design

  • Strengthened security and privacy of users via WeChat authorized login interface
  • Gave full consideration on comfort and feasibility of human-computer interaction regarding exploitation on the separation of logic and rendering.
  • Enhanced user experiences concerning movie and article recommendation features.



Construction on Development Environment

Previous data processing

  • Unitized the obtained other document format into csv format for database processing with the help of Python String Library.
  • Recommended articles and stored the title in Json document for personalization with the help of Python crawler technology.

Cloud development environment

  • Utilized _id and _openid to operate the cloud database on the applet front end and the server side through the API.
  • Utilized getWXContext method provided by wx-server-sdk to obtain the openid in the calling cloud function.
  • API was responsible for file management both in the applet front end and the cloud function side.

Small Program Function Characterization

Module for Memorizing Learning :

  • Randomly generated word id within a certain range.
  • Accessed the cloud database query id information and performed string processing to return to the user interface.

Module for Collection :

  • Formed a table in the iCloud database for storage upon clicking on the favorite button.

Module for Searching :

  • Extended the connection between API interface and Scallop Word webpage to receive the pronunciation and explain the example sentence.

  • Accessed the cloud database query id information and performed string processing to return to the user interface.

Module for Referral :

  • Established a sync await to asynchronously load preferred articles and record articles of users.

  • Formalized artificial personal recommendation based on historic data of users.

  • Achieved the functions of similar hobby users regarding User Collaborative Filtering algorithm.

    Calculate the similarity between two users through the Jaccard formula.

    Let N (u) be the set of items that user u likes, and N (v) be the set of items that user v likes.

    Then the similarity of u and v is calculated by the following formula:


