
Hugo source code for my personal website.

Primary LanguageHTML


Code moved to: https://github.com/RinkiyaKeDad/rinkiyakedad.github.io and the build process is automated via a GitHub Action in that repo.

Hugo Instructions

Cloning And Updating

  1. Theme being used: PaperMod

  2. Take care while cloning:

git submodule update --init --recursive # needed when you reclone your repo (submodules may not get cloned automatically)
  1. To update the theme:
git submodule update --remote --merge


  1. git submodule add -b master https://github.com/RinkiyaKeDad/rinkiyakedad.github.io.git public (first time only)

  2. hugo in the root of this repo to geenrate the files in public directory.

  3. cd public and then commit and push. To confirm cd public and do git remote -v.

  4. The commit and push from root of this repo so that it updates the version of public it has. (git push origin HEAD:master)

  5. cd .. and commit and push from the root of this repo.


  1. This video.
  2. To update the theme: git submodule update --remote --merge