
Method to access the DS18B20 sensor using Rapsberry Pi GPIO

Primary LanguageC


Method to access the DS18B20 sensor using Rapsberry Pi GPIO

  • configDS18B20.c   Application to set bit resolution of the DS18B20.

  • DS18B20Scan.c     Application to connect multiple DS18B20 on one GPIO.

  • DS18B20V2.c         Application to Connect one DS18B20 per GPIO but read them together.

    to compile

     gcc -lrt -o configDS18B20 configDS18B20.c
     gcc -lrt -o DS18B20Scan   DS18B20Scan.c
     gcc -lrt -o DS18B20V2  DS18B20V2.c

Python Add-on

To install
    sudo apt-get install python-dev
    sudo apt-get install python3-dev
    cd python
    sudo python setup.py install
    sudo python3 setup.py install

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