
goin to create an app that hosts dynamic nfts on chain with hardhat and svgs

Primary LanguageSolidity

Dynamic nft so in this project we are goin to host an nft onchain which will be dynamic

so the function svgToImageUri()converts svg in to base64 code base64 code is used to imbed images and binary assets into textual assets sucah as html and css heres the link to know more about base64 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 in your browser you can view base64 coded assets like  this will bring out the exact image encoded

there are two images here..a smiley face pic and a frowny face pic the nft will change based on how much the user input ie if payment greater than x -> smile if payment lower than x-> frown

normal images take up way too much data and hosting them in the blockchain is prettty expensive so we make use of light pics and images known as svgs(scalable vector graphics) for more info on svgs go here https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_intro.asp