
allows users to receive tokens similar to a faucet, but with a slight twist. In my dapp, users are required to pay a small amount of Ethereum before they receive the tokens.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • login in with metamask
  • make sure you have some sepolia eth, you can get some here
  • after getting some eth, click the get tokens button and accept the transactions with metamask, make sure not to decline, if you do just click the get tokens button again, you are going to pay for these rio with the price of 0.0003eth
  • check the transaction on sepoliaetherscan
  • when you see the transaction has been succesful go to metamask and import the tokens with this contract address 0xc3B167B2c2e7d62e293aA4a91D2ab2Ae989e8f71
  • you should see added 50RIO in your assets
  • to get another token you have to wait a minute ;) enjoy!