
I developed a faucet decentralized application (dApp) that distributes RIO tokens, a cryptocurrency I created on the Ethereum blockchain. The dApp allows users to claim a certain amount of RIO tokens at specific time intervals

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • login in with metamask
  • make sure you have some sepolia eth, you can get some here
  • after getting some eth, click the get tokens button and accept the transactions with metamask, make sure not to decline, if you do just click the get tokens button again
  • check the transaction on sepoliaetherscan
  • when you see the transaction has been succesful go to metamask and import the tokens with this contract address 0xc3B167B2c2e7d62e293aA4a91D2ab2Ae989e8f71
  • you should see added 50RIO in your assets
  • to get another token you have to wait a minute ;) enjoy!