
built a featuristic nft marketplace with react,solidity and hardhat

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a featuristic yet minimalistic nft marketplace built with react js and hardhat

I created the front end with reactjs, react bootstrap and css while i created the back end with solidity and hardhat

Getting Started

First run the development server

npm run start

Then run the blockchain server

npx hardhat node

Then deploy the smart contract to the hardhat blockchain

npx hardhat run src/backend/scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

Next go to your browser http://localhost:3000 to open the user interface.

Ensure you have metamask installed with ethereum

With all these setup youre good to go

Using The Website

  • Connect wallet
  • Go to the create page and create an nft
  • Go to the home page and view your nft
  • Play around and use other accounts to buy and view them in the listed and purchases page
  • Leave a star

Check it out here