
Components of programming languages, all implemented in self-contained files

Primary LanguageOCaml

Language etudes ♫

Repository accomodating a bunch of single-file typechecker/interpreter/compiler implementations.

Table of contents


File Description
scala/nbe.sc Plain and CPS-transformed NbE lambda calculus interpreters in Scala, along with a performance comparison. Run with scala-cli run nbe.sc -- 1000 5.
ocaml/nbe.ml NbE interpreters for LC in Ocaml. Run with ocamlbuild ocaml/nbe.native --.


File Description
scala/holes.sc Basic typechecker for a bare bones dependently typed language using NbE. Based on elaboration-zoo/03-holes. Has no frontend yet, but you can run some examples with scala-cli run scala/holes.sc
