
A simple node.js wrapper for youtube-dl.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version

A simple node.js wrapper for youtube-dl.

  • 0 dependencies
  • EventEmitter, Promise and Stream interface
  • Progress events
  • Utility functions


You can install youtube-dl-wrap via npm (npm i youtube-dl-wrap).
Youtube-dl itself will not be automatically downloaded.
Provide it yourself or use some of the following functions to download the binary.

const YoutubeDlWrap = require("youtube-dl-wrap");

//Get the data from the github releases API. In this case get page 1 with a maximum of 5 items.
let githubReleasesData = await YoutubeDlWrap.getGithubReleases(1, 5);

//Download the youtube-dl binary for the given version and platform to the provided path.
//By default the latest version will be downloaded to "./youtube-dl" and platform = os.platform().
await YoutubeDlWrap.downloadFromGithub("path/to/youtube-dl/binary", "2020.06.16.1", "win32");

//Same as above but always downloads the latest version from the youtube-dl website.
await YoutubeDlWrap.downloadFromWebsite("path/to/youtube-dl/binary", "win32");

//Init an instance with a given binary path.
//If none is provided "youtube-dl" will be used as command.
const youtubeDlWrap = new YoutubeDlWrap("path/to/youtube-dl/binary");
//The binary path can also be changed later on.



Excecute youtube-dl and returns an EventEmitter.
The youtubeDlEvent event will expose all youtube-dl events, for example:
The log message [download] Destination: output.mp4 will emit the event type download and the event data Destination: output.mp4.
youtubeDlEmitter.youtubeDlProcess exposes the spawned youtube-dl process.

const YoutubeDlWrap = require("youtube-dl-wrap");
const youtubeDlWrap = new YoutubeDlWrap("path/to/youtube-dl/binary");

let youtubeDlEventEmitter = youtubeDlWrap.exec(["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ",
    "-f", "best", "-o", "output.mp4"])
  .on("progress", (progress) => 
    console.log(progress.percent, progress.totalSize, progress.currentSpeed, progress.eta))
  .on("youtubeDlEvent", (eventType, eventData) => console.log(eventType, eventData));
  .on("error", (error) => console.error(error))
  .on("close", () => console.log("all done"));


Readable Stream

Excecute youtube-dl and returns an Readable Stream.
The interface works just like the EventEmitter.

let readableStream = youtubeDlWrap.execStream(["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ",
    "-f", "best[ext=mp4]"])


Excecute youtube-dl and returns an Promise.

let stdout = await youtubeDlWrap.execPromise(["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ",
    "-f", "best", "-o", "output.mp4"]);

Options and Cancellation

Additionally you can set the options of the spawned process and abort the process.
The abortion of the spawned process is handled by passing the signal of an AbortController.

let controller = new AbortController();
let youtubeDlEventEmitter = youtubeDlWrap.exec(["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ",
    "-f", "best", "-o", "output.mp4"], {shell:true, detached:true}, controller.signal);

setTimeout(() => 
}, 500);


Returns the youtube-dl --dump-json metadata as an object.

let metadata = await youtubeDlWrap.getVideoInfo("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ");

Utility functions

Just a few utility functions to get informations.

let version = await youtubeDlWrap.getVersion();
let userAgent = await youtubeDlWrap.getUserAgent();
let help = await youtubeDlWrap.getHelp();
let extractors = await youtubeDlWrap.getExtractors();
let extractorDescriptions = await youtubeDlWrap.getExtractorDescriptions();
