SMS Classifier for LG

Setting up environment

Set up python3 virtual env using:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 <envname>

example : virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 my_env

Use it by:

source <envname>/bin/activate

Install requirements using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

NLTK libraries:

python -m nltk.downloader 'averaged_perceptron_tagger'
python -m nltk.downloader 'wordnet'
python -m nltk.downloader 'punkt'


First you'll have to generate dependency-relation files for your dataset. To generate dependency files:

  1. Download Stanford dependency parser from here , if you don't have it already. Unzip it.

  2. Set $CLASSPATH environment variable to the path to the Stanford dependency parser. export CLASSPATH=path/to/parser/stanford-parser-full-2017-06-09

  3. Keep your training and testing files (tab seperated files, tsv) in a folder, say "dataset", with names train.tsv and test.tsv respectively.

    dataset/ | train.tsv | test.tsv

  4. Install these packages in python3 if not already installed: nltk pandas argparse pickle copy

  5. Run with python3. python3 --data path/to/dataset/ Don't forget the ending "/"

  6. Dependency files will be stored in the dataset folder itself. Note: It may take long time depending upon the size of dataset.


source <envname>/bin/activate
python -h

for help on all the options For a basic minimal run, do:

python --data <path_to_data_files/>

Remeber that the data files need to be train.tsv, tune.tsv, test.tsv. Also don't forget the ending "/" in the path.

Following feature files must be present in the directory for full support:

  • fire.words - Fire related words, one word per line
  • health.words - health related emergency words, one per line
  • personal.words - personal related words, one per line
  • wsd_features - allowable wsd synsets, <stem_word>

Saving features


python --data path_to_data_folder/ --to_weka 

to save the train, tune, test files in weka format

Saving and predicting from model

Save model as:

python --data path_to_data_foler/ --save

The above will generate a '.model' file Predict from the above model file using:

python --data path_to_data_folder/ --model <model_file> --predict