
Matrimonial Website with custom Recommendation system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A matrimonial website with a custom inbuilt Recommender system for finding a suitable bride or groom. Recommender system will use many paramters to find a suitable partner according to specification or data entered.

This was made for Chitkara University as a Project for AWS Course Subject.

npm start or node app.js or nodemon app.js

It will run under the url

Email and Password for Online Website:

Note : All Email ID are fake and used for development


  • Node JS (Tested on v12.14.0)
  • MongooseDB
  • MongooseDB Compass (Optional)
  • Pre-requisites or Dependencies (Defined Below)


  • Currently are there are two Roles defined.
  • User
    • Update Profile
    • Search Profile
    • Use Recommeder to find parnter
  • Admin
    • Manage Users

Recommendation System

  • Here we are using Hybrid Recommendation System combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering.
  • In this type of system more User searches for their partner based on filter and criteria, better and accurate the recommendation User are.
  • It also sees and update recommendation as User click and searches a particular User which was generated from the early recommended User genersted from their data.
  • Every User has their own recommendation data, which will allow every User to find their parnter on their interest.
  • Recommendation is based many factors shown in below table and how their evaluation is done.


Users Schema

Name Type Required Unique Encrpyted
firstname String Yes No No
email String Yes Yes No
gender String Yes No No
password String Yes No Yes
photourl String Yes No No
peronaldetails Reference Yes No No
recommendationdetails Reference Yes No No
type ( Role ) String Yes No No
isVerfied Bollean Yes No No
isActive Bollean Yes No No

Personal Details Schema

Name Type Required
middlename String No
lastname String Yes
religion String No
DOB String Yes
age Number Yes
mothertongue String No
phoneno String No
education String No
height String No
weight String No
address1 String No
city String No
state String No
isDoingJob Bollean No
user Reference No

recommendation Schema

Name Type
user Reference
religion Array of Object
minage Number
maxage Number
education Array of Object
religion Object
  religion: [{
      name: {
        type: String,
      count: {
        type: Number
education Object
  education: [{
      name: {
        type: String,
      count: {
        type: Number


  • Express
npm install express
  • EJS-Mate
npm install ejs-mate
  • Path
npm install path
  • Serve Favicon
npm install serve-favicon
  • Connect Mongo
npm install connect-mongo
  • Express-Session
npm install express-session
  • Morgan
npm install morgan
  • Mongoose
npm install mongoose
  • Body Parser
npm install body-parser
  • Dotenv
npm install dotenv
  • Bcrpty
npm install bcrpty


|___ Root
|   |--- app.js
|   |
|   |--- Procfile ( Heroku File )
|   |
|   |--- .env ( Enviroment File )
|   |
|   |--- config
|   |    |--- db.js
|   |    |--- utils.js
|   |
|   |--- Controller
|   |    |--- index.js
|   |    |--- recommendation.js
|   |    |--- users.js
|   |
|   |--- Dump (Mongoose Dump) (Dump)
|   |
|   |--- middlewares
|   |    |--- middleware.js
|   |
|   |--- Models
|   |    |--- personaldetails.js
|   |    |--- recommendation.js
|   |    |--- users.js
|   |
|   |--- Public
|   |    |--- css (Static)
|   |    |--- images (Static)
|   |    |--- script
|   |    |    |--- bootstrap.min.js
|   |    |    |--- datatables.js
|   |    |    |--- datatables.min.js
|   |    |    |--- editprofile-js.js
|   |    |    |--- home-js.js
|   |    |    |--- loginandregister.js
|   |    |    |--- manage_user-js.js
|   |    |    |--- searchpage.js
|   |
|   |--- router
|   |    |--- index.js
|   |    |--- Handlers
|   |         |--- admin.js
|   |         |--- user.js
|   |
|   |--- views
|   |    |--- partials
|   |    |    |--- navbar.ejs
|   |    |
|   |    |--- adddetails.ejs
|   |    |--- editprofile.ejs
|   |    |--- home.ejs
|   |    |--- index.ejs
|   |    |--- manage_people.ejs
|   |    |--- searchpage.ejs
|   |    |--- user.ejs



Rishabh Anand


Lead Programmer

Functional Programmer


Rajat Gupta

UI/UX Developer

Functional Programmer


Ridhav Modi

Database Manager (MongoDB).



Rishav Garg


Deployment Head