The app simulates an e-commmerce platform where the vendors only ship their products in bulk. So, the customers have to wait until a bulk order for an item is places but they get the item at cheaper prices.
For Linux:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
For Mac:
brew install node
Install the community edition here.
npm install -g create-react-app
To create a new React app:
create-react-app name_of_app
To run the app, cd into the directory and do:
npm start
Run Mongo daemon:
sudo mongod
Mongo will be running on port 27017.
To create a database:
This will open the mongo shell. Type in use users
to create a new database called users.
Run Express:
cd backend/
npm install
npm start
Run React:
cd frontend
npm install/
npm start
Navigate to localhost:3000/ in your browser.