
DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - Deploy scalable NoSQL database (MongoDB) cluster

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DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge

Deploy scalable NoSQL database (MongoDB) cluster

Step 0: Prerequisites:

Step 1: Creating a k8s cluster on Digital Ocean

  • In the dashboard, go to kubernetes section from the side menu and select Create Cluster option.
  • Select k8s version (leave untouched to use recommended version). Choose nearest datacenter region according to your location.
  • Choose cluster capacity according to your requirement.
  • Give this cluster a name, select project and give any optional tags if you want. And click Create Cluster.
  • Once the cluster is created, scroll down and run the given command to add the cluster credentials to your local system.

Step 2: Setting up the configuration files

  • Run the following commands in the terminal:
    git clone https://github.com/Rishabh510/digital-ocean-k8s-challenge.git
    cd digital-ocean-k8s-challenge
    cd mongodb-config
  • Modify the yaml files in the mongodb-config folder as per your requirements (leave untouched for default configuration).

    NOTE: Make sure to modify the username and password in the mongodb-secrets.yaml file encoded in base64 format.

  • Run the following after all confirming the configuration.
    kubectl apply -f .
  • Run the following command to check if the created services are up and running.
    kubectl get all

Step 3: Connecting to the Mongo shell through the Mongoclient

  • Run the following command to exec into the mongo client interactively in bash.
    kubectl exec deployment/mongo-client -it -- /bin/bash
  • Run the following to access the created mongo shell via nodeport

    NOTE: Make sure you have subsituted the username and password in the below command.

    mongo --host mongo-nodeport-svc --port 27017 -u rishabh -p rishabh

Congratulations! MongoDB has been successfully deployed to your k8s cluster.
