
A web app to play fizz-buzz over the phone

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web app to play fizz-buzz over the phone


First, Clone this repository

Frontend and Backend are organised into separate folders, and in this scenario would be hosted on two different servers

To setup backend

  1. Navigate to backend folder
  2. Install the required modules by running 'npm install'
  3. Replace the placeholder tokens in file config/secrets.js with your own. You'll need a live mongoDB url (mLab is a good option) and a Twilio access token (free works too)
  4. Replace the 'host_address' in server.js variable content with the URL of API access point. This depends on the server you use to access this API.
  5. Start the server by 'npm start'

To setup frontend

  1. Navigate to frontend folder
  2. Install the required modules by running 'npm install'
  3. In src/components/App.js, Replace the 'api_url' variable content with the URL of API access point. This depends on the server you use to access this API.
  4. Start the server by 'npm start'


This application is hosted on Heroku, to see this in action, visit:

Frontend : https://floating-dusk-86285.herokuapp.com/

The backend is also hosted on Heroku at :

Backend : https://hidden-escarpment-85887.herokuapp.com/


Rishabh Asthana {asthana4@illinois.edu}