
Brain-Box is a web application that allows students to organize and manage their study materials, including subjects, chapters, notes, and video links.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Brain-Box is a web application that allows students to organize and manage their study materials, including subjects, chapters, notes, and video links.


  • Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to the Brain-Box using their email and password.
  • Subjects and Chapters: Users can create, view, and organize subjects and their corresponding chapters.
  • Notes and Video Links: Users can add and manage notes and video links for each chapter.
  • Real-time Updates: Any additions or deletions made to subjects, chapters, notes, or video links are instantly updated in the application.

Working video



Home Page


Sign Up page


Login page


Dashboard Pages :

dashboard1 addsubmodal dashboard2

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, React Router, Firebase Authentication, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Deployment: Vercel

Local installation

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/RishabhJain0721/Brain-Box.git

  2. Install dependencies:

    • cd Brain-Box
    • npm install
  3. Set up Firebase:

    • Create a new Firebase project at https://console.firebase.google.com/.

    • Click on "Build" in the window that pops up.

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 04 26 PM

    • Click on "Authentication" -> "Get started" -> "Email/Password"

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 04 43 PM How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 04 56 PM How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 05 27 PM

    • Enable the "Email/Password" option and save.

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 05 37 PM How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 05 47 PM

    • Now again click on on "Build" and select "Firestore Database".

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 07 07 PM

    • Click on "Create Database" -> "Next" -> "Create" to create a database.

    • Now we will update the security rules to allow read/write in DB.

    • Click on "Rules" and make the changes shown in picture and Publish the changes.

      BrainBoxProject – Cloud Firestore – Data – Firebase console - Brave 26-01-2024 1 08 55 AM BrainBoxProject – Cloud Firestore – Data – Firebase console - Brave 26-01-2024 1 09 08 AM

    • Go to project settings

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 08 32 PM

    • Register the webapp as shown.

      How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 08 44 PM How to take a Screenshot in Windows 11 (4 Ways) - Microsoft Community Hub - Brave 25-01-2024 11 09 02 PM

    • Copy the firebaseConfig object.

      Screenshot 2023-12-28 001105

    • In the src/firebase.js file, replace the Firebase configuration with your own configuration from the Firebase Console and let the other imports export remain as shown in the image here :


  4. Start the development server: npm start

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000. You can check the new users and data collected on the application on your firebase console.


If you find any bugs or want to contribute to this project, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.



For any inquiries, you can reach us at rishujain0721@gmail.com.