
NLP project that combines the strengths of BERT, Word2Vec, and WordNet to provide accurate and contextually appropriate word replacements.

Primary LanguagePerl

Lexical Substitution Using BERT

Author: Rishabh Srivastava


This project focuses on enhancing lexical substitution by combining the strengths of WordNet, Word2Vec embeddings, and BERT.

Lexical substitution aims to find the most appropriate replacement for a target word in a given context, preserving the original meaning of the sentence. The integration of these three resources ensures better contextual understanding and semantic similarity, resulting in more accurate substitutions.

Project Structure

The main script for this project is lexsub_main.py, which implements various predictors for the lexical substitution task. The predictors use different strategies ranging from simple frequency-based methods to advanced neural network models.


  • lexsub_main.py: Main script that executes the lexical substitution task using different predictors.
  • lexsub_xml.py: XML parser to read input data and convert it into Python objects.
  • lexsub_trial.xml: Sample input data containing sentences with target words for substitution.
  • gold.trial: Gold standard annotations for the trial data, used for evaluation.
  • score.pl: Scoring script to evaluate the performance of the predictors.


The following Python packages are required:

  • nltk
  • tensorflow
  • gensim
  • transformers
  • numpy

Ensure you have downloaded the necessary NLTK data:

import nltk


The following prediction strategies were implemented for analysis:

  1. WordNet Frequency Predictor: Predicts the synonym with the highest occurrence frequency from WordNet.
  2. WordNet Simple Lesk Predictor: Uses the Lesk algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation to find the most appropriate synonym.
  3. Word2Vec Substitution: Utilizes pre-trained Word2Vec embeddings to find the most semantically similar word.
  4. BERT Predictor: Uses a pre-trained BERT model to predict the best substitute based on the context.
  5. New Predictor Proposed: A novel fusion strategy combining BERT's contextual predictions with Word2Vec's semantic similarity and WordNet's lexical relations. We start by obtaining some top choices of words from BERT that could potentially replace the target word while preserving the context. Next, we enhance this list by adding candidate words from WordNet. From this expanded list, we then select the word that is most similar to the target word based on Word2Vec similarity.

Running the Script

To run the script and get predictions for the trial data, use the following command:

python lexsub_main.py lexsub_trial.xml  > {FILENAME}.predict 

This will output the predicted substitutions for each target word in the context.

Then, run the scoring script (written in perl) on the .predict file:

perl score.pl {FILENAME}.predict gold.trial

Results for the New Predictor

The project achieved precision and recall of 0.189 on 206 attempted instances with mode-specific scoring. The integration of BERT, Word2Vec, and WordNet demonstrated a significant improvement in predicting contextually appropriate substitutes.