Sentiment is predicted as either positive or negative on the IMDB dataset.
Dataset-IMDB dataset of 50,000 movie reviews. Words are converted into real-valued vector space using Embedding layer of Keras.
2 models are build-
- Embedding layer as the input layer,word vector size of 32.
- Flatten the Embedding Layer.
- Dense hidden layer of 250 units with a rectifier activation function.
- Output layer with one neuron and will use a sigmoid activation function.
- Embedding layer as the input layer,word vector size of 32.
- 1D conv layer ,relu activation,filters 32*3*3.
- Maxpooling layer .
- Flatten the layer
- Dense hidden layer of 250 units with a rectifier activation function.
- Output layer with one neuron and will use a sigmoid activation function.
Network was trained on Amazon EC2 instances using gpu of g2.2x large.