
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#Treasure Hunt

This repository contains the source code to the website and server used as the contest portal and leaderboard in order to make the hunt more interactive and engaging.

Contest Structure

  1. A clue will be provided at each level.
  2. Each level in the treasure hunt consists of a riddle that is to be solved to access the next riddle.
  3. Once you solve clue the score will be updated.
  4. Hunt is sucesful only if all the clues are answered

Features Check List: User Registration and Authentication Clues User Progress Leaderboard(can only be accessed by admin)

Admin Credentials: Userid:admin123 password:admin123 email:admin@gmail.com

This hunt tests various soft skills of User like that of Creative Thinking,Critical Thinking,Aptitude,General Knowledge and Problem Solving



  1. Add your .env file to the root directory

    You can refer sample.env for the same

  2. Install the required dependencies using

    $ npm i --force

    The --force flag is used as one of the dependency would fail to install without it.

  3. In the project root directory, you can run:

    $ npm start

    Runs the website in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.


  1. Launch another terminal and switch to the server directory, by running:

    $ cd server
  2. Add your .env file to the server directory

    You can refer server/sample.env for the same

  3. Install the required dependencies using

    $ npm i
  4. In the server directory, you can run:

    $ npm start


    $ nodemon .

    Runs the server in the development mode at http://localhost:5000.