🎉 Large Language Models 🎉


Welcome, dear visitor, to the wacky world of Large Language Models, curated by none other than the legendary RishiR123. This repository is a treasure trove of LLM projects that will make you laugh, cry, and possibly question the meaning of life (or at least the meaning of really long sentences).

🛠 Getting Started

So you want to dive into the magical realm of LLMs? Fantastic! Follow these steps, and may the force be with you:

  1. *Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/RishiR123/Large-Language-Models.git
    cd Large-Language-Models
  2. Run the Projects: Navigate to the desired project folder, follow the instructions, and prepare to be amazed.

  3. 🤝 Contributing: Got a brilliant idea? A hilarious bug fix? Fork this repository, create new branches, and submit pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Remember, every contribution counts (except for that one guy who tried to convert everything to Comic Sans).

  4. 📜 License: This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details. Because even our licenses need to be fancy.

✨ Best Wishes

Best wishes, RishiR 🎩✨