This repository provides a Docker container for simulating the CVE-2023-30212 vulnerability, allowing you to practice and understand its impact. It includes a comprehensive guide to help you set up the container on your own computer. The documentation for the Docker creation process is also included.

CVE-2023-30212 POC : Cross-Site Scripting

via /client/manage/ourphp_out.php

Products Affected By CVE-2023-30212 :

Vendor Product Version
ourphp ourphp 7.2.0

Docker Installation Guide :

To install OURPHP <= 7.2.0 in docker you can use guide to install docker for practice purpose.

Explaination of Vulnerability:

# ourphp 7.2.0 version has a vulnerability to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting). 
# In the file /client/manage/ourphp_out.php, there is a direct echo functionality that, along with controllable variables, can enable attackers to execute XSS code.When the ourphp_admin parameter is set to "logout," we echo a controllable variable called "out." 
# To exploit this, we prepend a script tag and close it, forming our payload.This vulnerability can be exploited through the "out" parameter by injecting the following script: "</script><script>alert(xss)</script>"

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

# After completing the setup of the docker directly. Access the following path :

Payload for the Vulnerability:

# </script><script>alert(`xss`)</script>




  1. NIST
  2. cve.mitre.org
  3. Ourphp =>7.2.0 --> Code for reference