
Universe map for Eve Online and Eve Echoes

eveeye map layouts

Universe map for Eve Online and Eve Echoes.
The map is not the exact Eve Online map but got its coordinates modified by eveeye just a bit to overlap less but still match the ingame maps.

You can use the files for your projects but need to link to https://eveeye.com or https://echoes.eveeye.com for your web/app (in a visible way, not from the last corner of your web/app ;) Please drop me a line and a link if you use the map.

You should have a license from CCP to use the Eve Online IP in your web/app.
For Eve Online there is https://developers.eveonline.com/.
I do not know if this is valid for Eve Echoes aswell. You should contact CCP or Netease about it.

Some nodes/edges got an eeonly:1 key. Those systems/links are EE only. Pochven systems got a trig:1 key. Either remove them from EO or just remove the connections to them. The connections of Pochven systems got no special key attached atm. There might be eoonly:1 keys in the future.

You can hit me up on https://discord.gg/bg4mSJ3rSu