Inventory system for Mythic RP, this is the original version that DiscworldZA's disc-inventoryhud is created based off. This had originally been esx_inventoryhud but has since gone through a complete back-end rewrite to work with my custom framework as well as an amost entire rewrite of the front-end to be more inline with what I am wanting for my inventory.
The original pull of the esx_inventoryhud was made prior to the author pulling his release, and it was
NOTE: This is the Mythic Framework dependant version, if you're wanting the ESX version check out this
This will just require you to have any sort of ability to compile SASS into a CSS stylesheet. I personally use the Live SASS Compiler extension for Visual Studio Code. But again, any SASS compiler will work to compile the source of my custom styling for the inventory. And below are the settings I use to get it to build correctly in the right location:
"format": "compressed",
"extensionName": ".min.css",
"savePath": "~/../"