
Test mini project dari Jubelio.com

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Before starting to install the project, there're some things that need to be done first.


Make sure all of these are properly installed in your system.

Application Download
Git Windows / Linux
Node.js Link
React.js Link


First, clone this repository into your system.

git clone https://github.com/RiskySaptra/Test-Jubelio

Then, install all the packages that described in package.json of both client For ReactJs Front-end and server directories for the Back-end .

npm install


For the server setup, first, make sure your Postgres services is running fine. In server directory, you'll find config.json inside config folder. Open and edit the development configuration to match your database setup.

  "development": {
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": 'YOUR-PASSWORD',
    "database": "YOUR_DATABASE",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "postgres"

Creating the database using command npx sequelize db:create

Migrating all the model npx sequelize-cli db:migrate


npm start

Run the server

npm start


  • ReactJs


Muhammad Rizky Saputra - RiskySaptra