
In the repo, trying to implement and test upgradable proxy contract.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Proxy contract

In the repo, trying to implement and test upgradable proxy contract.

Practice 1

  • UpgradeableProxy.sol

  • TradingCenter.sol: version 1 contract with exchange function to transfer USDT or USDC

  • TradingCenterV2.sol: version 2 contract with malicious empty function to rub all users' money

  • TradingCenterTest.t.sol

    • user1, user2 approve to proxy contract
    • upgrade version 1 contract to version 2
    • Initialize TradingCenterV2
    • empty users' account

practice 2

  • FiatTokenV3.sol:

    • mimick to upgrade USDC contract
    • with new whitelist function that both mint() and transfer() require msg.sender who is in the whitelist to call
    • require to preserve the same slots as FiatTokenV2_1 at first
  • FiatTokenV3Test.t.sol:


Environment: foundry



1. download fuundry

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

2. install or update foundry


3. create new project

forge init [project name]

4. install openzepplin

forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-commit

5. install Merkle

forge install dmfxyz/murky --no-commit

6. add dependencies and path

forge remappings > remappings.txt


1. download the git

git clone https://github.com/Rita94105/proxy.git

2. adjust the path

cd proxy

3. test Practice 1

forge test --mc TradingCenter
  • test result


4. test Practice 2

forge test --mc FiatTokenV3 
  • test result
