Travel Diary


  1. Displays cards with places to travel to. These cards have a title, image and description. Each card has it's own input box and submit button. The user can type in the text box for a specific location, click the submit button on that card, and their entry should appear in a "diary" below the cards. The diary entry contains the name of the location from the card the user was typing in (and hit the submit button in). It also contains only the text that was in the text box from that card. The text box for that card is cleared upon submission. The diary entries build up as the user continues to type in cards and submit their entries. Newest entries appear at the bottom.


WebPage WebPage

How to Run

  1. Clone down this repo, and cd into the project
  2. Install http-server plugin via npm
  3. In your terminal, hs -p 9999
  4. In your browser navigation to: localhost:9999


Margarita Syed