Algo DS Visualizer

This websapp is hosted at Link

This is a webapp which helps visualize various algorithms such as sorting algorithms, graphing algorithms and various Data Structures.

Install live server in vs code and then open the port specified in liveserver. Open up the port in browser and you will be good to go.


John Wick ke Chele

Ritam Chakraborty

Yash Sharma

Saransh Bansal

Current status and further improvements

Major sorting algorithms are available and are implemented properly. They are namely Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort, Heap Sort and Deterministic Quick Sort(which uses quick select to determine the pivot).

Data Structures include Stack and Queue, further improvements will include Linked List, Binary Search Tree, Segment Tree, Heaps, etc.

Graphs currently have a functionality to create custom graph and visualize it, also generate a random graph of given size. Further improvements include addition of different algorithms related to graphs like DFS, BFS, Shortest Path Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Tree, etc.

In General, further improvements include better UI/UX and responsive design. (Todo)