Women Essentials

🏷 Tagline

A safe place to get reliable information and guidance for women sex education including prenatal education.

πŸ’‘ Inspiration

  • According to Lynn Enright a journalist- β€œIt turns out that children and teenagers all over the world, including in the UK, are let down by educators who are too squeamish, too nervous, and too unsupported to properly deliver a robust sex education.”

  • Sex education is considered taboo in many countries, it is very difficult for young girls to understand what they are going through, and guardians always avoid these conversations.

  • India lacks a curriculum for sex education.

  • Sex education for women is trivial as it can help reduce child marriage and unplanned pregnancies by equipping young women with skills to navigate their sexualities and take control over their lives.

  • We believe that our web app will be a way to educate our women of all ages, to explore themselves, to be more confident, and safe.

  • We also focus on prenatal education for a healthy pregnancy.

πŸ’» What it does

  • It is a safe place for exploring women's sex education.

  • Gives guidance for young girls regarding bad touch, and how to protect themselves in situations like this.

  • It also provides counseling for pregnant women regarding common health issues, healthy practices, and connects with the top doctors across the world.

  • A chatroom to connect with women facing the same issues, and get experienced solutions for the same.

πŸ”¨ How we built it

  • React Js: Frontend
  • Node Js & Express Js: Backend
  • Socket.io: Realtime
  • Vercel: Deployment
  • Tailwind CSS: Styling

🧠 Challenges we ran into

  • During initial Setup some Code were not working on one of teammates system and we wasted a lot of time figuring it out.

  • Completing the project in a given time frame was a challenging task.

πŸ… Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Completing the project in the given time frame.

πŸ“– What we learned

  • Collaboration with other developers.

  • Work under pressure and in fixed time constraint

πŸš€ What's next for Women Essentialss

  • Working on finding genuine user Using Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Making App More Secure from Random Users
  • Video Call features to consult with verified health professionals and Doctors