Your Showroom


A new way to customize cars.

Problems It Solves

Do you regret changing your car's color and it is not up to your mark?

Well well.. we have a solution for you, Presenting, YourShowroom - a new way to customize cars. Here you can view the 3D model of your car and play with your car's colors so that you can choose the best color that fits your car.

Live demo

The site is deployed throught Vercel, which you can view from here

Demo video

Checkout the complete demo video from here

🚀 Main Features

  • Interactive 3D Models
  • Click on the Cars and get information about different parts

💻 Tech Stack

  • React Js
  • Three Js
  • React-three-fiber
  • React-colorful
  • valtio
  • Tailwind CSS & CSS

🤝 Credits


Required to install and run the software:

Installing and Running

From the project folder, run these commands in console (terminal) to install dependencies and run the app:

npm install
npm start

🖼️ Some glimps of the site

Home Page


Ford Mustang


2 3

Rolls Royce Ghost