It's a MERN stack project for DreamzTech Solutions coding round. Followed GitHub flow.
- FrontEnd:
- React JS
- Redux
- Backend:
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Database:
- MongoDB
- Not available right now, if required can be made live using Netlify and Vercel.
git clone
cd dreamz-tech
cd backend
npm i
npm run serve
- Keep this open in a different CLI
cd frontend
npm i
npm run start
👤 Ritobroto Mukherjee
- GitHub: @RitobrotoMukherjee
- Twitter: @RitobrotoM3
- LinkedIn: Ritobroto Mukherjee
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.